Phobias amongst children are common. Phobia’s, are a form of intense anxiety related to a specific person, place, or thing. Parents have discovered various and effective ways of curing childrens phobias. What works depends on the phobia. Think of what worked when you had one at a younger age.
There is no time frame on how long a child will have fears and phobias. Sometimes they start at different stages of their lives and stops abruptly with no rhyme or reason. Normally, as children develop the phobia or fear declines. The child’s mind develops more, diminishing the anxiety.
Even as adults, we all had fears and phobias as children. Some of these would be scared of the dark, being afraid to go to bed because the lights are turned off. Overtime, parents tackled that phobia by installing a night light in the child’s room. Another phobia that is in relationship to the dark is the boogey man. All children are afraid of the boogey man that may come out of the closet or from underneath the bed. In most of these common cases, it takes a parent with patience to explain and offer assurance, and reassurance to the child. They learn to develop trust, this with advancing in age cures most phobias.
Other phobias causing a traumatic event are harder to overcome. An example would be riding a bicycle and falling off getting hurt. Whenever the child sees a bike they think back on falling off and fear takes over. Another one is doctor phobia. Once the child goes to the doctor to get a shot, phobia sets in. Whenever they see the white coat the screaming begins.
More phobias would be fear of a clown at a birthday party. The clown looks like a scary mask, what’s behind the paint is unknown territory, so the child feels very uncomfortable. For some children, large bodies of water like a swimming pool, or a lake is scary.
Most phobias will not linger with children for life. If you find that it is progressing in age and are continuing to have the phobia, professional assistance curing childrens phobias may be merited.
The fast phobia cure works fantastically well with children. Find out more here.