While many people do not like mice, others get startled and will let out a scream, the absolute fear of mice is not very common. And yet, there are three distinctive names for the fear of mice, the phobia of mice is often called Musophobia, Murophobia or Suriphobia.
If you are terrorized by the thought of mice in your home it may be time to seek out treatment and prepare your home against a mice invasion. In other words, you’re going to find that any treatment counselor is going to suggest to you attempt to keep mice out of your home and out of your personal space.
Then, they may work with you on your actual fear of the mice themselves. This may include reading books about mice, reading fictional stories about mice, and understanding mice as a species. All of this may help you deal with your fear, often, it’s the fear of the unknown, or in other words, what the mice might do that is so terrifying.
Of course, you can also use your Internet to learn all about mice, and work with counselors right on the Internet concerning your fear. The days of using technology in order to combat phobia has arrived. You may find it helps to speak about your phobia to a counselor, work on getting over your fear with the Internet counselor, or even perhaps, read knowledge-based articles concerning your fear and take it one step at a time.
Any type of phobia can be debilitating and can affect your quality of life. If you have a fear of mice and it’s affecting your ability to function, affecting your ability to enjoy your home, or even go outdoors, it may be time to seek out help.