The Fear Of Wind; Ancraophobia Or Anemophobia

Fear of wind is also known as Ancraophobia or Anemophobia and either term will do. The thing to realize is that in many instances there is not a fear of the wind itself, but more of what it can do. This is especially true if you live in those areas where we end and tornado damage can be severe.

fear of windWhile being afraid of the wind is not a common occurrence, being afraid of the outcome of the wind is. Tornado Alley has many situations where the public is afraid of the wind. In many cases, they have every right to be. At the same time, they have to deal with it on a regular basis and learn how to survive it.

Surviving being afraid of the wind is going to take preparation on your part. The only way that you are going to alleviate your fear is to make sure you are as prepared as possible to deal a with severe wind problem. This may mean building a bunker under your home, running emergency drills with your family, and making sure that bunker is fully stocked.

Of course, if your preparations and bunker do not alleviate fear of wind, unfortunately, you may think about moving. Tornado Alley or any other areas in the world that has tornados on a regular basis does take preparation, and a healthy respect for the wind. And this healthy respect means preparation and yet it doesn’t mean out and out terror.

You can seek treatment for your fear of the wind, and you’ll find many counselors can understand it. They can help you make preparations, talk to you about what you’re preparation means to you, and discover how you can survive the wind in your area without living in constant terror.

Find out how to overcome your fear of wind here.